Wessex Spirits. Launched as Test Valley Gin in 2017 from Kates Grandad’s back garden. Inspired by her Mum’s sloe gin she wanted to create something completely different but just as delicious. Formerly an English teacher she was no stranger to drinking gin, and two children later the talent increased ! So the leap from drinking it to making it wasn’t too great.
After introducing new brands of gin, Kate became Wessex Spirits, now based in her own premises in Andover where she also has a Tasting Room for exclusive events.
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At The Gin Stall we are proud to bring you some of the best gin infusions, bottles and flavours from around the world. The Gin Stall is a traditional British company, we love gin so much that each of our exciting gin brands are hand-picked by us, giving you a huge variety of new and exciting gins to try from our gin store, including well known popular gin drinks too.